Wednesday 9 October 2013

Bargain of the week

 So on Sunday I had a quick shop in West Quay Southampton, I bought quite a lot of items so I am trying to spread them out a bit through the next few blog posts!

The first is my new favourite powder. I used to use the Rimmel Pressed powder however kept discovering it would break up in my bag, then I discovered this - the loose powder..

 This is a great discovery not only because it is priced at £1.99 in Boots but also because it works! It is keeps my face oil free and pro-longs the wear of my makeup so that it lasts all day. It is light, doesn't look cakey or orange toned and is unbelievably good for the money!

So for such a bargain price there is no excuse! Everybody should try this at least once, I assure you that you won't look back! So far I can only say good things about this, the only negative comment is that the holes sometimes allow too much powder out and you are left with too much that has come out to use.

You can buy this in Boots at the Natural Collection section for £1.99 or online here

Thanks for reading!



  1. Oooh I've never thought to try this one, I only use powder as my foundation so I need something that lasts

    Please come check out my latest post if you have time :)

    Fragile Bird |



  2. Sounds like a great product, especially for the price x

    Heather | Of Beauty & Nothingness


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